Monday, December 6, 2010

Ø  If your reading and writing practices have changed since this class, how have they been modified because of English 100? I would say my reading practices are the same as I have been an avid reader for a long time, my writing practices are what have been influenced the most. I wouldn't say that I have achieved total freedom from my self conciousness when it comes to writing but I am a lot closer than I was before English 100. I love gaining more knowledge everyday as to what I have wanted to do for a very long time.
Ø  How have you become a better reader and/or writer? I think in some knowledge of how to write a paper, just like in anything, you gain more courage and self confidence. I am still pretty self concious and nervous to the point of craziness about the process and about people reading my work but it is worth it when someone says, "I liked that."
Ø  How has the blog encouraged you to write more thoroughly or has it not? I feel more encouraged with the blog because it is more freeing than haveing to sit down with a pen and paper and write it all out. I feel the keyboard is more freeing.
Ø  What did you like about having a blog in a reading and writing course? I like the fact that the comments were somewhat personal, I know people can still read them but I don't have to know about it. I also like that I don't have a paper trail behind me 100 miles long that I have to keep track of. I know I would lose half of them and spill something on the other. It is all together more convenient for me.
Ø  How is the blog similar to a journal? How is it different from a traditional journal? Where a personal journal is more your thoughts, ideas and full of your self expression, this is more to the point. You give us a subject and we take it from there, some of the steps are taken away, it is easier.
Ø  What kind of experience have you had for English 100? Please explain. I know I sound like a total kiss ass but I loved everybit of this experience. I know most of it is that it is so new and different for me but still I just love sitting and listening to everyone's points of view and experiences. It is very refreshing and mind opening when you are used to talking to the same people all the time with a very limited view on things for the most part. It is soul cleansing, if that makes any sense.
Ø  What would you like to see change with this class including the smaller writing assignments and/or the task papers? I would like some refreshers and maybe a little more infasis on sentence structure and proper use of everything, to and too or comma, colon or semi-colon. I know we reviewed a bit, but maybe a little more in depth or some web sites to go too. I didn't get enough of that in school, so I am re-learning alot of this. I think the atmoshpere is a relaxed and open one, we have discussed a lot of what could have been difficult subjects and I thought with the way it was introduced and brought to light made it ok to be talked about. If that makes sense. I wouldn't change a thing and I really enjoyed this semester.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Penny,

    Thank you for the detailed response. I'm really happy with the work that you have done over the course of the semester. I can tell the progress that you have made from Task One to Task Three. It is always a pleasure to see how students grow in only 15 weeks; unfortunately, this isn't the case with everyone. Task Three was an absolute hilarious read. Your voice really came out in that paper and it was a pleasure to read.

    Having you as a student in my class was also a pleasure. You were not afraid to voice your opinion or concern or a question that you had. I wish more students had the courage to speak up. The classroom setting can be a frightening place for some students.

    I look forward to having you as a student in 104 in the spring and to witness your further growth as a writer.

    Ms. C
