Saturday, November 27, 2010

response to question for task four

  Have you learned or gained anything?
     I think the idea that someone could enter college or any kind of setting like it and not learn anything is a crazy one. In the past 3 months I have gained knowledge of the mind and most important, knowledge of myself. I have learned that I am allot smarter than I thought, you are never to old to learn and that I am capable of a lot more. I have had some struggles, but all in all, I feel stronger and more empowered everyday.
     I don't remember the process of learning to read. I can remember bits and pieces but that is about it. I do love to read, I think no matter what you read, fiction/non-fiction, you will come away learning something. Even in fictional stories there is some truth to them. The process of learning, now this is a different story. I have trouble with communicating and being around other people for a long period of time. This can make things difficult, when I get this way it is hard to concentrate on anything but getting out of the situation. I have found that in a learning environment it doesn't seem to bother me as much. I think it is the distraction, if I am interested in what I am hearing, it takes my mind off of other things. There are other times that it doesn't seem to matter when or what is going on that I can't break the spell, but more often than not I get through it. I am kind of amazed really. I wonder if that is why I am liking school so much.
     I am aware of the fact, how lucky I am to have the ability to read, write and learn. I can't imagine a world without it. In some of the essay's I have been reading they talk about the power or importance of reading or what a book can do for them. I have never thought of it that way but what they say is so true, a book can keep you company, take you away when you are bored or need a break, it can even teach you how lucky you are to know how to read them. Another thing that crossed my mind is how much we take these "simple things" for granted, instead of realizeing how forturnate we really are that we are literate.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Penny,

    You cover many bases, but what I like about your post is that you create a connection here with the class, text and yourself. Kudos! I am happy that you are beginning to understand or realize the value of these simple things. It seems small, when in fact, these are things we take for granted. This is something we learn when we read Douglass' essay.

    Ms. C
