Wednesday, September 1, 2010

First attempt

     My name is Penny Elifrits, 39 years young, and mother of 1. I have been divorced twice, owner/operator of my own business and I am seeking  new experiences, a change in routine and in totality a new career.
     I graduated in 1989, from Fillmore C-1 High School, home of the Blue Devils. I was a cheerleader, played basketball, softball, and loved to socialize. A student I was not, I read when I had to and wrote as little as possible. I had a love of people and life that kind of overflowed and bubbled out. Somewhere, I lost that in the last 21 years and I figure it has something to do with the boredom I feel constantly.  So here I am in college, seeking my dreams and I have so many, I am really not sure what I want to do first. My son is now 15 years old and in four years he will be on his way to making big things happen and I don't want to be left behind. No, I don't want to be one of those parents that calls all the time and shows up on weekends and hang out with him and his friends, because that is all I know how to do. Being his mother is the biggest achievement I will ever accomplish, but I am ready to start getting back the "old" me. I want him to see, that no matter what or how long, you want something, it is never to late.
     I have a strange personality, I guess. I love adventure and spontaneity, but most of the time, I have to have a plan and directions. I am someone that could seem extremely "blonde", but when I know directions and have a plan, I am almost unstoppable. I am very open and loving, to a fault, I have been told. However, I am also very strong willed, stubborn, critical and hard to know. I put myself out there, jump in with both feet and deal with the consequences later, or I think, stew and over analize everything.  I read all the time now, some of my favorites are J.D. Robb, Harlen Coben, Steven King, really just about anything as long as it says something interesting to me, it's like a movie in my head. I would love to learn to write and I am very excited about this class. I have no idea how to structure a paragraph, margin my paper or really anything to do with writing. I just know I have allot of thoughts, all the time. My favorite color is red, pink is second. I love fall and the smells that come with it. I love my family, friends, my baby dog; bananas( who is just like me), and most important my son. I am so excited to get to meet knew people and walking around campus today was amazing. People of all ages and races, probably feeling like I do. A little shell shocked, scared to death, overwhelmed, but for the most part, hopeful.

1 comment:

  1. HI Penny,

    Thank you for sharing. Like you when I first came to college, I was so excited to encounter differ cultures, races and experiences. I am so new and open to new ideals; it is what I love most in the world. You could say that I above all love to learn, which would explain why I am still in school :)

    I like how you use your overall theme of "hopeful" all throughout your introduction. I hope that this hope remains throughout the course of the semester and your college career.

    You will learn the smaller components of writing during the course of the semester. Besides as you freewrite, don't worry about these things; we can work together to structure your paper. AND I always encourage students to visit the Center of Academic Support (tutoring:)).

    I can see that your son is an important part of your life as he should be. I'm certain you are a great mother. You are also setting an excellent example by going back to school to earn your degree.

    Ms. Chastain
