Thursday, September 23, 2010

"Sister Flowers" writing topics question

I remember when I was around 11 years old my great Aunt Doris, who was my grandpa's sister-n-law, came to visit. I was so dazzled by her. She seemed so fancy in her pretty outfits, high heels and makeup. I was a tomboy and I guess I had never noticed these things on other people or maybe it was an "awakening" of my womanhood. I also remember how she talked and that she wore light pink frosted nail polish. I loved it. I went home and polished my nails for the first time in my life. When Aunt Doris saw it, she didn't say "Oh, Penny, you have polish all over your fingers" or "you did a crappy job". She said, "Penny, can you open this polish for me and let's do our nails". She showed me the steps to a manicure and then she said ,"ladies only wear light colored  polish" and that if I were going to be a lady that is what I needed. So she polished my nails and I think I wore it till the very last speck chipped off. I loved her , she made me feel so important, special and pretty. A very important thing to a new "woman of the world". Guess what my favorite color of nail polish is?, go figure.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Penny,

    Thank you for sharing!

    There isn't anything wrong with the color red. I prefer it to. It depends on what mood I'm in :)

    Ms. C
