Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Five open ended questions for my interview for task 2

Respond to your blog, a list of at least five questions you will ask or have asked of your subject. Explain to us why you have chosen these questions.
1.  How would you compare your experience in school to your children's?   as in, peer pressure, rules, etc.
2.  How did you get to and from school? Would you say it was more inconvenient than when we went?
3.  Was there a difference in dress codes for boys and girls? Was it just known or was it in some kind of handbook?
4.  Did you have any favorite classes or teachers? Did they influence you in any special way?  Did you have "best friends"? Was it similar to how those relationships are today?  example " I can't wait to tell you",  "Did you hear",  "Did you see",
5.  What were your adult life goals and did you meet them? How do you feel about that?

Task 2 subject and focus

The person I am interviewing is Carolyn Elifrits my mother
The focus I would like to distinguish (e.g. explore or discuss) is ) How her years in school were different from mine.

Monday, September 27, 2010

"Casa" question pg 136

Cuento is a story or tale.
 Some examples are Little Red Riding Hood, Cindrella, Jack and the Bean Stalk, Hansel and Gretel, Little Boy Blue, The Boy who Cried Wolf.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

"Sister Flowers" writing topics question

I remember when I was around 11 years old my great Aunt Doris, who was my grandpa's sister-n-law, came to visit. I was so dazzled by her. She seemed so fancy in her pretty outfits, high heels and makeup. I was a tomboy and I guess I had never noticed these things on other people or maybe it was an "awakening" of my womanhood. I also remember how she talked and that she wore light pink frosted nail polish. I loved it. I went home and polished my nails for the first time in my life. When Aunt Doris saw it, she didn't say "Oh, Penny, you have polish all over your fingers" or "you did a crappy job". She said, "Penny, can you open this polish for me and let's do our nails". She showed me the steps to a manicure and then she said ,"ladies only wear light colored  polish" and that if I were going to be a lady that is what I needed. So she polished my nails and I think I wore it till the very last speck chipped off. I loved her , she made me feel so important, special and pretty. A very important thing to a new "woman of the world". Guess what my favorite color of nail polish is?, go figure.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Why are you interested in these subjects? I am interested in learning more about my mom's experiences in school, she has told me some stories over the years and I just would like to know more.
What makes him/her interesting and unique? The time period that my mom went to school there were still "expectations" of dress and behavior. She spoke once of wearing her jeans under her dress to school. Girls were not allowed to were pants to school at this time.
What sort of questions would you ask and why? How did you get to school? Did the school district provide transportation? What were the rules, such as disapline, dress and educational expectations.
What sort of problems do you think may arise for Task Two? I am afraid I won't get enough information or bring it to paper correctly.
What do you anticipate? Why? I anticipate alot of notes and rough drafts because I want to get the task done as completely as possible.
What questions do you have for Task I do not have any questions at this time about the task assigned. I am a do and learn type of person. I am sure I will have many questions after I get some information on paper.

Sunday, September 19, 2010



What is the thesis for your paper? My thesis is depression and how hard it is to live with.

List the main points you make in your paper. I tried to explain in terms of how it affected my life, the points were the difficulties, some of the symptoms and that it is treatable but does not just go away.

What was the most helpful advice you received from your peer evaluation? That if you don't want to talk about it, don't mention it.

What was the most helpful information you received in class for your paper? I think the most helpful was the information on run on sentences, sentence structure and the punctuation review.

How many drafts of this paper do you think you wrote and how/when did you write them? For example, did you compose at the keyboard, did you write lots of notes to yourself, did you pre-write or outline, did you write in small chunks of time or sit down and produce an entire draft at one sitting? I wrote a few notes on paper at first, got on the computer and just wrote. As it turns out I didnt write what I did my notes on. I have maybe three drafts, I am really not sure. I wrote at all times of the day, mostly in bed at night on the first couple ideas, then the computer.

What would you do differently with this paper to make it more effectively, or what did you try to do that you just don’t think you got a good handle on? Well this being my first thesis paper, ever, I think I would have done high school English differently. I was trying to show humor in my paper so that it wouldn't seem so glum or whiney. I absolutely didn't want to come off as poor me or why me. I am not sure I did it the right way, but I did like my paper, so we will see.

What are most pleased with about this paper?
That I finished it on time and I think without many mistakes. I feel like I am on a reality show and I am waiting to see if I get voted off the island. Honestly, I am also pleased with how my paper sounds, if that makes sense.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Fill in the blanks

My topic is living with depression, and my assertion is that there is help. The main idea is to make people aware.

"On Becoming a Chicano"

I describe myself as a caucasion american, with Indian, German, Polish and Irish decent.
I have gone through struggles as all people have, I wouldn't say that mine have been any harder, just different. I grew up very sheltered. My parents went through a "religous phase", meaning the extreme. I had to overcome and learn what the world was really like in my adult life and that can be difficult.
Mr. Rodriguez, in a sense, did the same. He threw out all he knew and then when the time was right for him, when he "grew" enough of his own self. He was alright with coming back to who he was.

"How It Feels to Be Colored Me"

I label myself, older, mother, overweight, odd, sister, friend, outgoing, sensitive, curious. I think each day we aquire a new label for ourselves.
Like Hurston, I fit in too. I am different but in the big picture, I add color and something different to the bag.
My self-identity can be positive and negative, it is good to know who you are as long as it doesnt define your whole self, I may be overweight, but I am not alone. I may be older, but I am also wiser for it. I am Penny Elifrits a combination of all.

Monday, September 6, 2010

"Rite of Passage" hw for sept 6 th

Response for question 2:
  In the description he gives of where he grew up, he describes it as a safe place where you would think nothing bad could happen or the thought of bad things couldn't take place: quiet, protected, green ( I wonder if he used this as a reference to, naive.) It's as if he was surprised or taken aback that his mother would let something like his grandmother getting sick happen. He talks of how fierce and protective she was, no nonsense. 
   He was scared of his grandmother, he didn't know her anymore.  In talking about how his grandmother would relate to him and how he had a special place with her and in her sickness, this person he was so close to disappeared and he no longer had that "safe" place or her.He said he had gone to her room maybe once.
   His father was a quite funny man. His mother fierce, she was loving but also unapproachable, to busy loving and taking care of them to spend one on one time. He talks of his grandma, like he was the only one that knew her like he did. His mother mentioned that she was benign, non existing.  When his uncle came back from the war, he mentioned how large he seemed and then said he is now in insurance, in a way taking the importance away from him and that after all his mother had done, how the other siblings judged her harshly for putting their mother in the nursing home, thinking that she was being cruel.
    It seems then that when he looks back, he thinks of his grandma when he goes to see or is spending time with his mother, wishing "if he only knew, what he knows now" type of thing. I am wondering also if when he refers to his mothers soul coming through, she is always smiling and happy, he is saying that his grandma was truly an unhappy soul, that is why she acted so badly and describing the difference in his mother and his grandmother. I think, his point is that while his grandmother was good to him, she always wanted something to change and wasn't happy, where his mother was happy with what she had and made the best life she could for all of her family, giving herself.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

task one:ideas cont

    I know alot of people are having trouble today, I don't know if it's a product of enviroment or the way we are born, but depression is very hard to live with.
    14 years ago after my son was born, I started showing signs. I had no idea what was going on. I was tired all the time, didn't have the interest in things I used to and even personal relationships had no importance. I wanted to sleep and be alone. I couldn't think correctly, just putting thoughts in order or daily tasks, like doing the dishes seemed to be like climbing  a  mountain. In 2002, I had my first breakdown, I was sent to the hospital where I finally realized, hey I am not alone. There were people there worse off than me and I had to wonder how long this had been going on. Why had I never heard of this.
     The mental ward is never a place I wish anyone to be. I am a free thinker however and this allowed me to see, that as bad as I felt, there were alot worse situations. I remember sitting in the lounge on the second day and there was this really pretty young girl on the phone with a car dealership ordering a Ford F-150, she wanted it to be canary yellow, big tires, four wheel drive and she wanted to pay $75,000 with her payments around $200.00 a month. I am sitting there overhearing this, still with no knowlege of how mental illness worked in our brains, thinking this girl is really trying to impress someone but I am not sure she understands the process of buying a new vehichle. Yes, I am very nieve I stick my head in the sand and that is probably why I didnt recognize that she was "sick". I honestly thought at the time that she was one of the nurses. In group that afternoon, I found out what By-polar was and it broke my heart. This free spending nurse was a new mother and she was By-polar. I just sat there looking at her, thinking I never would have guessed that and my heart went out to her. It was then I decided, to learn as much as I could about mental health and try to help. I also, realized, "Hey, you are doing pretty well, compared to some and get yourself up!. I wish that is all it took to heal the mind, hormones and chemicals in your brain. I was prescribed a bunch of medicines, went through group sessions, did the arts and crafts hour like a good kindergartner and  learned all I could from the nurses and they sent me home. I was thinking, 'I got this you aren't one of them, you have nothing to worry about."
     In 2005, I was back in the hospital, worse this time. I was thinking I wasnt worth anything and that my son didnt deserve to have someone like me as a mother and that I was no use in this world. I just remember how dark it was,  in my mind and my thinking, there was no light to lift me and I would to GOD all the time that he would bring me back up. I was in therapy at the time and this is when I met my doctor. I was a mess and he sent me to the hospital immediately, I wanted to hurt myself. I know, how do people get that way and that is just crazy, it's a cop out, what about your family how would they feel. I know what you are thinking. However, when you get down that far, you have no control over this. It's like the devil has ahold of you and the more you pray the more he pulls you down. That's the only way I know how to explain this. You arent thinking I will hurt my family, you think you dont matter, you think you are just taking up space and that everyone would be better off without you. In my case I just had no self worth, I had just been divorced, he didnt want me so why would anyone else, I must be a horrible person, why would anyone want to be around me. In my ex-husbands defense, if I didnt understand what was wrong with me, why would he. That is a whole different story, so we will move on.
     What I am trying to get across is that you could be sitting beside the most cheerful, smart funny person you have ever met in your life and inside this person lies a demon, that takes over their life when no one is looking, you put on whatever face you have to, to get through the day so that no one will think, "my GOD they are crazy or what is wrong with her." That's right you hide you are afraid someone will know and talk about you and want answer and you have none. All you know to say is that it is a medical condition and I am trying.

Friday, September 3, 2010

task one: ideas

Living with Depression
Karen Cotton(our relationship)
On campus
Dad's accident (grain bin)
the art of smiling (public relations)<<<<

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

First attempt

     My name is Penny Elifrits, 39 years young, and mother of 1. I have been divorced twice, owner/operator of my own business and I am seeking  new experiences, a change in routine and in totality a new career.
     I graduated in 1989, from Fillmore C-1 High School, home of the Blue Devils. I was a cheerleader, played basketball, softball, and loved to socialize. A student I was not, I read when I had to and wrote as little as possible. I had a love of people and life that kind of overflowed and bubbled out. Somewhere, I lost that in the last 21 years and I figure it has something to do with the boredom I feel constantly.  So here I am in college, seeking my dreams and I have so many, I am really not sure what I want to do first. My son is now 15 years old and in four years he will be on his way to making big things happen and I don't want to be left behind. No, I don't want to be one of those parents that calls all the time and shows up on weekends and hang out with him and his friends, because that is all I know how to do. Being his mother is the biggest achievement I will ever accomplish, but I am ready to start getting back the "old" me. I want him to see, that no matter what or how long, you want something, it is never to late.
     I have a strange personality, I guess. I love adventure and spontaneity, but most of the time, I have to have a plan and directions. I am someone that could seem extremely "blonde", but when I know directions and have a plan, I am almost unstoppable. I am very open and loving, to a fault, I have been told. However, I am also very strong willed, stubborn, critical and hard to know. I put myself out there, jump in with both feet and deal with the consequences later, or I think, stew and over analize everything.  I read all the time now, some of my favorites are J.D. Robb, Harlen Coben, Steven King, really just about anything as long as it says something interesting to me, it's like a movie in my head. I would love to learn to write and I am very excited about this class. I have no idea how to structure a paragraph, margin my paper or really anything to do with writing. I just know I have allot of thoughts, all the time. My favorite color is red, pink is second. I love fall and the smells that come with it. I love my family, friends, my baby dog; bananas( who is just like me), and most important my son. I am so excited to get to meet knew people and walking around campus today was amazing. People of all ages and races, probably feeling like I do. A little shell shocked, scared to death, overwhelmed, but for the most part, hopeful.