Wednesday, October 20, 2010

response to first question in reflection and writing for "Where College Fails Us"

     I am in college for the basic reason of bettering myself. I may not get the pay that I want or the benefits that I need to support myself but, I will have the satisfaction of finishing what I have set out to do. I found Bird's essay a little depressing and negative. I wonder how many people have read this, threw up their hands and said,"Forget it, I knew I couldn't do this." I know this education is going to cost me a lot and not in just dollars, it is going to be stressful; it will take time away from my son and family; it has already hurt my business and income. However, I still see it as a positive step forward.
     In the last 21 years, since graduating high school, I have learned some very valuable lessons and one of them is to get an education. I don't know how many people on a daily basis, especially, since I have started college, that say, "I wish I had gone to college." I don't think that it is a matter of expense or time and if it is, it shouldn't be. You are in debt most of your life anyway, so why not "buy" something truly priceless. I have learned so much from just being around the different people at school. I would never have met these people or learned exactly what it means to be living a different life, if it wasn't for these past weeks.
     I can't think of a better way to be spending my time, my money, or efforts than on this education. I have hopes and dreams as everyone does and this is the start to them. I believe everyone is different and if college isn't right for them, then so be it. I just hope that they will always keep it in the backs of their minds and know that anything is possible, especially when it is something you have thought through on your own, have a plan and know where they are headed. The saying "You learn something new everyday" is so true and I learned that I was wrong. I can do well in college, I am not stupid and I absolutely love learning.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Penny,

    I'm so happy that you have realized the implications of becoming educated. You write,

    "I don't think that it is a matter of expense or time and if it is, it shouldn't be. You are in debt most of your life anyway, so why not "buy" something truly priceless."

    I hope that you bring this up in class sometime because this is important to hear. Too often and especially after viewing the video about technology, that students respond, "Why am I even in college?" I can understand this sentiment. However, it is important to remember that this is always going to happen. Technology is ever-changing. While college may not be for everyone, it can certainly impart some wisom that we all should have.

    Ms. C
